Terms & Conditions

Rent & Lease Terms
Minimum 12 month lease.
Rent is payable quarterly in advance plus VAT. Utilities and service charge are included in the rent of offices, but are payable in addition on all business units, as well as rates.

Access is available to our 1GBps ultra-fast leased line for all office and business unit customers, it is the customers responsibility to source a router for the connection. Co-working space customers have access to the 1GBps broadband in the Hub and will be given a ticket with an exclusive code.

Car Parking
There is extensive parking available in our five car parks set in the courtyard and grounds.

Rates are payable direct to Melton Borough Council. The property, if sole business premises, may qualify for Small Business Rate Relief, so no rates should be payable. Please contact the Council on 01664 502502 for more information.

The Energy Performance Certificate varies depending on the unit, please check the applicable brochure.

These particulars are set out for general outline and do not constitute or form part of an offer or any contract. Areas and distances are approximate only. They are not to be relied upon as statements or representation or fact. Particulars dated: September 2022.